Thursday, July 29, 2010

Back to life, Back to reality

I am back in Brisbane; was away for about 2 months for a (supposedly) preliminary data collection in Malaysia. I only spent about a week on my research and the rest was like a break cum holiday. I managed to catch up on things with my loved ones- family, friends and colleagues and really treasure every moment spent especially with my beloved hubby. Priceless. Well, at least I was able to finish a 2-page article proposal for a well known journal in the field that I am researching (I want to enjoy the holiday with less guilt).

It was hard to be separated again with my other half. I was in tears almost all the way from Shah Alam to Brisbane. As he has put it~intermittent shower in the morning, later drizzling and ended up with cats and dogs and a heavy storm. I know it was hard for him as well but this is the price that we need to pay. Sacrifice- that's the word! And I am recovering-slowly. Picking up my momentum. May Allah ease this journey and grant me (and him)strength! Ameen.