Again, found this from the internet somewhere. Worth reading! (and pondering). Thanks to the author.
There were only 15 minutes left before Salat-ul Isha.
He quickly made Wudhu and performed Salat-ul Maghrib.
While making Tasbih, he again remembered his grandmother and was embarrassed by how he had prayed.His grandmother prayed with such tranquillity and peace.
He began making Dua and went down to make Sajdah and stayed like that for a while.
He had been at work all day and was tired, so tired.
He awoke abruptly to the sound of noise and shouting.
He was sweating profusely.
He looked around.
It was very crowded.
Every direction he looked in was filled with people.
Some stood frozen looking around, some were running left and right and some were on their knees with their heads in their hands just waiting.
Pure fear and apprehension filled him as he realized where he was.
His heart was about to burst.
It was the Day of Judgment.
When he was alive, he had heard many things about the questioning on theDay of Judgment, but that seemed so long ago.
Could this be something his mind made up?
No, the wait and the fear were so great that he could not have imaginedthis.
The interrogation was still going on.
He began moving frantically from people to people to ask if his name hadbeen called.
No one could answer him.
All of a sudden his name was called and the crowd split into two and madea passageway for him.
Two angels grabbed his arms and led him forward.
He walked with unknowing eyes through the crowd.
The angels brought him to the centre and left him there.
His head was bent down and his whole life was passing in front of hiseyes like a movie.
He opened his eyes but saw only another world.
The people were all helping others.
He saw his father running from one lecture to the other, spending hiswealth in the way of Islam.
His mother invited guests to their house and one table was being setwhile the other was being cleared.
He pleaded his case, I too was always on this path.
I helped others. spread the word of Allah.
I performed my Salah. I fasted in the month of Ramadhan.
Whatever Allah ordered us to do, I did.
Whatever he ordered us not to do, I did not.’
He began to cry and think about how much he loved Allah.
He knew that whatever he had done in life would be less than what Allahdeserved and his only protector was Allah He was sweating like neverbefore and was shaking all over.
His eyes were fixed on the scale, waiting for the final decision.
At last, the decision was made.
The two angels with sheets of paper in their hands, turned to the crowd.
His legs felt like they were going to collapse.
He closed his eyes as they beganTo read the names of those people who were to enter Jahannam.
His name was read first.
He fell on his knees and yelled that this couldn’t be,‘How could I go to Jahannam?
I served others all my life, I spread the word of Allah to others’.
His eyes had become blurry and he was shaking with sweat.
The two angels took him by the arms.
As his feet dragged, they went through the crowd and advanced toward theblazing flames of Jahannam.
He was yelling and wondered if there was any person who was going to help him.
He was yelling of all the good deeds he had done, how he had helped his father, his fasts, prayers, the Noble Qur’an that he read, he was asking if none of them would help him.
The Jahannam angels continued to drag him.
They had gotten closer to the Hellfire. He looked back and these were his last pleas.
Had not Rasulullah [SAW] said,‘How clean would a person be who bathes in a river five times a day, so too does the Salah performed five times cleanse someone of their sins’?He began yelling, ‘My prayers? My prayers? My prayers.?’
The two angels did not stop, and they came to the edge of the abyss of Jahannam.
The flames of the fire were burning his face. He looked back one last time, but his eyes were dry of hope and he had nothing left in him.
One of the angels pushed him in. He found himself in the air and falling towards the flames. He had just fallen five or six feet when a hand grabbed him by the arm and pulled him back.
He lifted his head and saw an old man with a long white beard.
He wiped some dust off himself and asked him, ‘Who are you?’
The old man replied, ‘I am your prayers’.
‘Why are you so late! I was almost in the Fire! You rescued me at the last minute before I fell in’.
The old man smiled and shook his head,
‘You always performed me at the last minute, did you forget?’ (And what of those who perform no prayers at all?)
At that instant, he blinked and lifted his head from Sajdah. He was in a sweat.
He listened to the voices coming from outside. He heard the Adhan for Salat-ul Isha.
He got up quickly and went to perform Wudhu.
Pass this on to your friends and family. Maybe, you can help someone open their eyes Insha Allah.
Jazaakallah for reading this.
May Allah guide us all ameen
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
tazkirah dan ingatan
Saya dapat maklumat ni sewaktu saya blog hopping pagi tadi..dan saya rasa betapa besarnya nikmat yang Allah telah kurniakan kepada saya hingga ke saat ini... Alhamdulillah, hanya rasa kesyukuran yang mampu saya panjatkan.
semoga kita semua mendapat manafaat dari tazkirah ini...
(terima kasih Kak Hidayah)
Email tazkirah..
Saya terima email ini, ia sangat menusuk hati saya, mungkin ada juga yang berminat membacanya..
Marilah sama-sama menghayati dan kita sama-sama menilai diri kita..
Apakah ada ujian menimpa, dan apakah kita pernah merasakan ujian itu terlalu berat yang tidak tertanggung bahu kita..
Apakah kita rasa seolah-olah dunia sudah berakhir dan hidup kita sudah tamat..
Saya baru mendapat berita yang sedih dan menyedihkan..
Ada kawan yang disahkan Cancer tahap 3..
Ada kawan yang suaminya disahkan Luekimia..
Ada kawan yang belajar di UK dipanggil balik kerana masalah confirmation..
Ada kawan yang terpaksa balik dari New Zealand kerana Supervisor missing in action, tiada pengganti..
Ada kawan yang bercerai kerana orang ketiga..
Ada kawan yang kematian suami semasa belajar di luar negara..
Jika kita rasa masalah dan ujian kita besar,
ada lagi orang yang lebih besar dari kita..
Namun begitu,
Jangan putus asa..
Kerana ..
Kita adalah insan bertuah..
Allah memberi peluang untuk kita kembali kepadaNya..
Mengadu dan berharap bantuanNya..
Ada orang yang semuanya mudah
Perjalanan hidupnya tidak ada cabaran
Itu rezeki mereka
Mungkin dia seronok kerana hidupnya berjalan lancar
Tapi kadang-kadang ada satu lagi tazkirah yang perlu kita ingat
Apa yang dipanggil istidraj. Satu pemberian yang Allah kasi tetapi bukan dengan kasih sayangnya
seumpama Qarun, Allah berikan harta melimpah ruah tetapi jauh dari Allah
seumpama Firaun, Allah berikan kuasa memerintah dunia tapi tidak mendapat kasih Ilahi
Istidraj itu sangat kita takuti
Semoga kita semua berada dalam rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah..
amin ...
"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji org2 yg sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui org2 yg benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui org2 yg dusta."
*Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."
*Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."
*Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286
"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah org2 yg paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yg beriman."
*Surah Al-Imran ayat 139
1) "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan)."
*Surah Al-Imran ayat 200
2) "Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk"
*Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45
"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dr org2 mu'min, diri, harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga utk mereka..."
*Surah At-Taubah ayat 111
"Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain drNya. Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal."
*Surah At-Taubah ayat 129
semoga kita semua mendapat manafaat dari tazkirah ini...
(terima kasih Kak Hidayah)
Email tazkirah..
Saya terima email ini, ia sangat menusuk hati saya, mungkin ada juga yang berminat membacanya..
Marilah sama-sama menghayati dan kita sama-sama menilai diri kita..
Apakah ada ujian menimpa, dan apakah kita pernah merasakan ujian itu terlalu berat yang tidak tertanggung bahu kita..
Apakah kita rasa seolah-olah dunia sudah berakhir dan hidup kita sudah tamat..
Saya baru mendapat berita yang sedih dan menyedihkan..
Ada kawan yang disahkan Cancer tahap 3..
Ada kawan yang suaminya disahkan Luekimia..
Ada kawan yang belajar di UK dipanggil balik kerana masalah confirmation..
Ada kawan yang terpaksa balik dari New Zealand kerana Supervisor missing in action, tiada pengganti..
Ada kawan yang bercerai kerana orang ketiga..
Ada kawan yang kematian suami semasa belajar di luar negara..
Jika kita rasa masalah dan ujian kita besar,
ada lagi orang yang lebih besar dari kita..
Namun begitu,
Jangan putus asa..
Kerana ..
Kita adalah insan bertuah..
Allah memberi peluang untuk kita kembali kepadaNya..
Mengadu dan berharap bantuanNya..
Ada orang yang semuanya mudah
Perjalanan hidupnya tidak ada cabaran
Itu rezeki mereka
Mungkin dia seronok kerana hidupnya berjalan lancar
Tapi kadang-kadang ada satu lagi tazkirah yang perlu kita ingat
Apa yang dipanggil istidraj. Satu pemberian yang Allah kasi tetapi bukan dengan kasih sayangnya
seumpama Qarun, Allah berikan harta melimpah ruah tetapi jauh dari Allah
seumpama Firaun, Allah berikan kuasa memerintah dunia tapi tidak mendapat kasih Ilahi
Istidraj itu sangat kita takuti
Semoga kita semua berada dalam rahmat dan kasih sayang Allah..
amin ...
"Apakah manusia itu mengira bahawa mereka dibiarkan saja mengatakan; "Kami telah beriman," sedangkan mereka tidak diuji? Dan sesungguhnya kami telah menguji org2 yg sebelum mereka, maka sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui org2 yg benar dan sesungguhnya Dia mengetahui org2 yg dusta."
*Surah Al-Ankabut ayat 2-3
"Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui."
*Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216
"Allah tidak membebani seseorang itu melainkan sesuai dengan kesanggupannya."
*Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 286
"Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah org2 yg paling tinggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang-orang yg beriman."
*Surah Al-Imran ayat 139
1) "Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bersabarlah kamu (menghadapi segala kesukaran dalam mengerjakan perkara-perkara yang berkebajikan), dan kuatkanlah kesabaran kamu lebih daripada kesabaran musuh, di medan perjuangan), dan bersedialah (dengan kekuatan pertahanan di daerah-daerah sempadan) serta bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah supaya, kamu berjaya (mencapai kemenangan)."
*Surah Al-Imran ayat 200
2) "Dan mintalah pertolongan (kepada Allah) dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjakan sembahyang; dan sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amatlah berat kecuali kepada orang-orang yang khusyuk"
*Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 45
"Sesungguhnya Allah telah membeli dr org2 mu'min, diri, harta mereka dengan memberikan syurga utk mereka..."
*Surah At-Taubah ayat 111
"Cukuplah Allah bagiku, tidak ada Tuhan selain drNya. Hanya kepadaNya aku bertawakkal."
*Surah At-Taubah ayat 129
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Menstrual cramp
It is that time of the month again! The beauty of being a lady... but it is not something that I am not looking forward to anyway. Why? Because that is the time of the month where I will spend mostly in bed and my mood is swinging. And more importantly.. I tend to have stomach cramps or sometimes the cramps even goes down to my legs. The pain is just unbearable.
I found a useful tip which I think is worth sharing. A heating pad is the best companion at this time of the month as it really helps to ease out the menstruation cramps (you can even use it for any pelvic pain, or a backache)? Here's how you can make a heating pad using things you probably have at home.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes
Here's How:
1. Fill the foot of a tube sock with rice. Do not use instant rice.
2. Tie the end of the tube sock into a knot.
3. Place the rice-filled sock in your microwave oven for 2 to 3 minutes on highpower. Time may vary by microwave, so check after one and a half minutes.
4. Remove the sock from the microwave and place on the area of your body where needed.
easy peasy....
it is even better than the hot water bottle.
I found a useful tip which I think is worth sharing. A heating pad is the best companion at this time of the month as it really helps to ease out the menstruation cramps (you can even use it for any pelvic pain, or a backache)? Here's how you can make a heating pad using things you probably have at home.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes
Here's How:
1. Fill the foot of a tube sock with rice. Do not use instant rice.
2. Tie the end of the tube sock into a knot.
3. Place the rice-filled sock in your microwave oven for 2 to 3 minutes on highpower. Time may vary by microwave, so check after one and a half minutes.
4. Remove the sock from the microwave and place on the area of your body where needed.
easy peasy....
it is even better than the hot water bottle.
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