Here is another good tips on how to have an incredibly productive day!
Ya Allah- ampunkan dosa kami... ampunkan ya Allah dan bantulah kami, bantulah kami..
Preparation for Work
Preparation for work starts the night before. When you sit down in the evening and think what you need to do next day, part of your planning should involve what you plan to do at work in great detail; what to wear, what to have for breakfast, documents you need to take, phone calls you need to make, e-mails you need to send, your MIT (Most Important Tasks), and general list of things to do. If you have been a follower of ProductiveMuslim, you’ll learn that we use our Daily Taskinator to help us plan our days, hour-by-hour ensuring balance between different areas of our lives. So use this tool or a simple pen and paper and make sure everything is ready before you hit the bed.
The Morning
Of course, our Rabb (Subhanahu wa Ta’ala) has beautifully organised our time so that we wake up at dawn and sleep after Isha, so we’re already trained to have an early start. However, the mistake that many professionals and workers do is to sleep right after Fajr, or leave late for work. You are missing out on a great blessing of the morning; Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said in a hadeeth “O Allah, bless my Ummah in its early hours”. And the narrator of the hadeeth continues and mentions the example of a merchant who used to send his workers early in the morning and became very rich.
Personally, I prefer to wake up before Fajr and get ready for work in terms of showering and getting dressed before Fajr athan. This allows me to go pray Fajr in time, relaxed, read some Quran, do some dhikr, come back home, have breakfast and head to work before rush hour hits.
It’s a great feeling to be “ahead” of the crowd and already out seeking the bounties of your Lord.
Those First Few Hours
Upon arriving to work, the first hours at work are the most crucial hours of your working day. Do not let yourself be distracted by anyone or with pointless e-mails and useless chatter. If you start your day with e-mails and talking to people, the rest of the day will go extremely unproductive and you’ll find it hard to focus. Rather spend the morning either reading important material that would advance you in your work or working on important tasks that you need to achieve that day.
The moment you finish some of these important tasks, you’ll feel a sense of accomplishment that you will want to continue being productive throughout the day, and hence stay focused at work.
Many people complain that they don’t focus at work, I say that the reason they can’t focus is because they have a bad start to their day.
As the Morning Progresses
Try to work for 90 minute “work bites”, taking a 10-15 minute break in between to refresh and rejuvenate.
Normally, after 2×90 minute work bite sessions in the morning, I start feeling a bit tired and my mind starts going numb especially if I’ve been involved in “heavy-thinking” work. This is where I take a slightly longer break (around 30 minutes) and go to make wudhu and pray 2 rak’ah duha prayers. I then have a small bite (a fruit salad) or drink some tea. Moreover, normally after these sessions, I work on admin related tasks that take 10-15 minutes to complete, for example: replying to e-mails, making work-related phone calls, delivering some paper work around the organisation, etc.
Dhuhur Prayer
At Dhuhur prayer, as soon as the athan goes off, drop everything and again refresh yourself with wudhu, and pray the Sunnah for Dhuhur and if you’re with other Muslims or there’s a mosque nearby you, go pray in Jama’a and enjoy your Salah.
Unfortunately, some people have been blinded from their purpose of life. Salah is not a “waste” of time, just like eating food is not a waste of time. It’s an essential element of your purpose of life, and do explain to people who feel this way that that Salah is important for you, not just because it’s obligatory but it revives your productivity and ensures that you work even harder after Salah. (Note: Make sure you walk your talk though and show high levels of productivity after Salah).
I’d also recommend here that you have a small bite (not a heavy lunch) after Dhuhur- perhaps a sandwich or a chicken salad with some fruit or fresh juice – and that should keep you going till end of the day insha-Allah.
Dhuhur till Asr
Around this time, I highly recommend that you schedule your meetings/or what I call your “networking time”. This is the time when you go and meet people who will help you advance your work, perhaps meet with your “mentors” and people who give you sound advice (both technical and career advice). Also, this is a good time to call your family, ask how they are and if they need anything on your way back home.
Asr till the End of the Day
If all goes well, you will have had finished important tasks in the morning, completed admin tasks around mid-morning, knocked out few meetings after Dhuhur and now you’re praying Asr and getting ready to leave (notice how your day is managed around your salah time).
Here’s the important bit to remember before you leave work: Do not leave work without specifying at least 3-6 things you need to get done the next day. This is what I referred to above as “your important tasks” or MITs. If you’ve decided on your important tasks for the next day, it allows you to come in the morning and hit the ground running with your important tasks, instead of fretting about and not being sure where to begin.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Salam all,
Saya teringat pada kenyataan (lebih kurang bunyinya) - "datanglah kepada Allah dengan merangkak, Allah datang kepadamu dengan berjalan, datanglah padaNya dengan berjalan, dan Dia akan datang berlari kepadamu".
Pagi ini saya bangun tidur dengan 1001 macam perasaan, resah dan gundah gulana memikirkan beban kerja yang semakin berat ditanggung. Memikirkan keupayaan diri- adakah saya mampu untuk menamatkan ke garisan penghujung perjalanan PHD ini? Dan subhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allah maha besar- saya terjumpa artikel ini yang begitu menyentuh jiwa dan perasaan.
Saya juga pernah membaca- yang Allah sentiasa berkomunikasi dengan kita dalam apa jua bentuk, dan apabila terbaca artikel ini, saya percaya kasih Allah tak pernah pudar untuk hambaNya ini. Ampunkan aku ya Allah.. ampunkan aku.
Ya Allah, berilah kekuatan minda, kekuatan emosi dan kekuatan fizikal untuk aku melaksanakan amanah ini. Hanya padaMu ku berharap.
There are so many things to do, you barely have enough time to order your thoughts, how can you possibly be able to organize and tackle your goals with a racing mind?’ Feels like a familiar thought I am sure. In this article we’ll discuss key questions when approaching a task which will inshaAllah untangle, simplify and help accomplish your objectives.
1) For who am I doing it?
Any action done to seek the pleasure of anyone other than Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) has little value on our scales. Even if you’re helping people, taking care of your old parents or making da’wah, it should genuinely be done for the sake of Allah if we are to expect reward. ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The reward of deeds depends upon the intention and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.”
This is a distinctive mark of a Muslim, thousands of people from different faiths do good deeds, some of them volunteer and are active in a community more than any of us have ever been, yet whom are they doing it for? All those deeds will be in vain unless it was done for Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala).
2) Why am I doing it?
Allah doesn’t need our good deeds, but we need his forgiveness and rewards. It’s an honour for a Muslim to perform an action to please Him. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was narrated as saying: ”If a man spends on his family (with the intention of having a reward from Allah) sincerely for Allah’s sake then it is a (kind of) alms-giving in reward for him” (Sahih Muslim).
3) Is this the best way to make use of my time?
How much time do we waste by doing what will not benefit us? The answer may be a resounding ‘loads of time’. Keep in mind the Prophetic saying: ”A man shall be asked concerning five things on the day of resurrection: concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth, how he grew old; concerning his wealth, whence he acquired it, and in what way he spent it; and what was it that he did with the knowledge that he had.” (Hakim)
4) How much time am I willing to spend on this task?
This is very important. You need to decide how much time you are willing to focus on nothing else but the task at hand. If the task you’re about to do is necessary but hard or not particularly pleasant, set up a minimum amount of time you commit to work on it using some of the tools recommended by before such as Freedom or RescueTime , even if it’s only 20 minutes. What will usually happen is that when the 20 minutes pass you will have gained enough momentum to keep on doing the job. If you decide to stop at the decided time though, you will still feel you have done something useful and won’t feel bad.
If, instead, you enjoy your task, set for yourself a maximum amount of time, so as not to ignore other tasks that you need to achieve that day.
5) Is this the most important thing u need to do today?
Make sure that what you spend time and effort on first is the most important thing you should be doing. Sometimes we are careful to accomplish so beautifully a task that didn’t need to be done in the first place! If you keep to-do lists, it is beneficial to order them or categorize them in terms of priority.
6) Is there a more efficient way to get it done?
Sometimes we just do it, we rush over the job just to see it done. In this way we are just fooling ourselves. Allah has enjoined ihsan (excellence) on us in every aspect of our life, both spiritual and material. He tells us in the Quran what means: “and once again fear Allah and do good deeds with Ihsan (perfection). And Allah loves the good-doers.” [5:93]
As the Prophet explained, ihsan is: ”That you should serve Allah as though you could see Him, for though you cannot see Him yet He sees you.” “Verily, Allah has enjoined excellence (ihsan) with regard to everything.” (Sahih Muslim)
Be sure you know the best ways to accomplish the job; observe, be informed and look out for different techniques, helpful strategies or smarter choices to complete it.
And remember, don’t get caught up with unrealistic perfectionism nor complicate your life; simplicity is usually the best weapon.
7) Do I know what to do or whom to consult if I experience difficulties?
Have a preplanned strategy or rituals for the times you feel you’re stuck. Take a break, make ablution and pray two raka’at, completely forgetting about the problem. Take a walk, even if just to take a glass of water, simply close your eyes for ten minutes. Doing some dhikr and taking deep breaths could also help you relax and refocus. Seek Allah’s help to ease your task through dua and consult with people who are knowledgeable on the subject, someone who has encountered the same problems and has overcome them. Research or register on a forum that deals with your targeted goal and ask for help, you’ll often find on the internet that someone else has had a shared experience that will help you or even the answer!
8) Are there any distractions preventing me from performing at my very best?
You’re all set up now. You know exactly what you want to do, you have your intentions purified and you have discovered the best way to do it.. then why do you feel you’re not getting it right?
Is there any recurrent thought that is monopolizing your attention? Is there any strong emotion that is not allowing you from fully concentrating on the subject? Are you in the best environment to undertake the task? If there’s anything else that is distracting you (a thought, a person)? Take note of it.
Write down the persisting idea or question that came into your mind and say to yourself you will take care of the issue as soon as you finish your task. If it’s a person (besides your parents), politely inform her/him that you will be ready to help right after you’re done. Usually taking out of our mind and onto a paper our thoughts is enough to ‘make space’ for your primary goal.
About the Author
Sister Jihan Anwar is a university student and a journalist working at the National Yemen Newspaper
Saya teringat pada kenyataan (lebih kurang bunyinya) - "datanglah kepada Allah dengan merangkak, Allah datang kepadamu dengan berjalan, datanglah padaNya dengan berjalan, dan Dia akan datang berlari kepadamu".
Pagi ini saya bangun tidur dengan 1001 macam perasaan, resah dan gundah gulana memikirkan beban kerja yang semakin berat ditanggung. Memikirkan keupayaan diri- adakah saya mampu untuk menamatkan ke garisan penghujung perjalanan PHD ini? Dan subhanAllah, Alhamdulillah, Allah maha besar- saya terjumpa artikel ini yang begitu menyentuh jiwa dan perasaan.
Saya juga pernah membaca- yang Allah sentiasa berkomunikasi dengan kita dalam apa jua bentuk, dan apabila terbaca artikel ini, saya percaya kasih Allah tak pernah pudar untuk hambaNya ini. Ampunkan aku ya Allah.. ampunkan aku.
Ya Allah, berilah kekuatan minda, kekuatan emosi dan kekuatan fizikal untuk aku melaksanakan amanah ini. Hanya padaMu ku berharap.
There are so many things to do, you barely have enough time to order your thoughts, how can you possibly be able to organize and tackle your goals with a racing mind?’ Feels like a familiar thought I am sure. In this article we’ll discuss key questions when approaching a task which will inshaAllah untangle, simplify and help accomplish your objectives.
1) For who am I doing it?
Any action done to seek the pleasure of anyone other than Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala) has little value on our scales. Even if you’re helping people, taking care of your old parents or making da’wah, it should genuinely be done for the sake of Allah if we are to expect reward. ‘Umar bin Al-Khattab narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The reward of deeds depends upon the intention and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.”
This is a distinctive mark of a Muslim, thousands of people from different faiths do good deeds, some of them volunteer and are active in a community more than any of us have ever been, yet whom are they doing it for? All those deeds will be in vain unless it was done for Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta’ala).
2) Why am I doing it?
Allah doesn’t need our good deeds, but we need his forgiveness and rewards. It’s an honour for a Muslim to perform an action to please Him. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was narrated as saying: ”If a man spends on his family (with the intention of having a reward from Allah) sincerely for Allah’s sake then it is a (kind of) alms-giving in reward for him” (Sahih Muslim).
3) Is this the best way to make use of my time?
How much time do we waste by doing what will not benefit us? The answer may be a resounding ‘loads of time’. Keep in mind the Prophetic saying: ”A man shall be asked concerning five things on the day of resurrection: concerning his life, how he spent it; concerning his youth, how he grew old; concerning his wealth, whence he acquired it, and in what way he spent it; and what was it that he did with the knowledge that he had.” (Hakim)
4) How much time am I willing to spend on this task?
This is very important. You need to decide how much time you are willing to focus on nothing else but the task at hand. If the task you’re about to do is necessary but hard or not particularly pleasant, set up a minimum amount of time you commit to work on it using some of the tools recommended by before such as Freedom or RescueTime , even if it’s only 20 minutes. What will usually happen is that when the 20 minutes pass you will have gained enough momentum to keep on doing the job. If you decide to stop at the decided time though, you will still feel you have done something useful and won’t feel bad.
If, instead, you enjoy your task, set for yourself a maximum amount of time, so as not to ignore other tasks that you need to achieve that day.
5) Is this the most important thing u need to do today?
Make sure that what you spend time and effort on first is the most important thing you should be doing. Sometimes we are careful to accomplish so beautifully a task that didn’t need to be done in the first place! If you keep to-do lists, it is beneficial to order them or categorize them in terms of priority.
6) Is there a more efficient way to get it done?
Sometimes we just do it, we rush over the job just to see it done. In this way we are just fooling ourselves. Allah has enjoined ihsan (excellence) on us in every aspect of our life, both spiritual and material. He tells us in the Quran what means: “and once again fear Allah and do good deeds with Ihsan (perfection). And Allah loves the good-doers.” [5:93]
As the Prophet explained, ihsan is: ”That you should serve Allah as though you could see Him, for though you cannot see Him yet He sees you.” “Verily, Allah has enjoined excellence (ihsan) with regard to everything.” (Sahih Muslim)
Be sure you know the best ways to accomplish the job; observe, be informed and look out for different techniques, helpful strategies or smarter choices to complete it.
And remember, don’t get caught up with unrealistic perfectionism nor complicate your life; simplicity is usually the best weapon.
7) Do I know what to do or whom to consult if I experience difficulties?
Have a preplanned strategy or rituals for the times you feel you’re stuck. Take a break, make ablution and pray two raka’at, completely forgetting about the problem. Take a walk, even if just to take a glass of water, simply close your eyes for ten minutes. Doing some dhikr and taking deep breaths could also help you relax and refocus. Seek Allah’s help to ease your task through dua and consult with people who are knowledgeable on the subject, someone who has encountered the same problems and has overcome them. Research or register on a forum that deals with your targeted goal and ask for help, you’ll often find on the internet that someone else has had a shared experience that will help you or even the answer!
8) Are there any distractions preventing me from performing at my very best?
You’re all set up now. You know exactly what you want to do, you have your intentions purified and you have discovered the best way to do it.. then why do you feel you’re not getting it right?
Is there any recurrent thought that is monopolizing your attention? Is there any strong emotion that is not allowing you from fully concentrating on the subject? Are you in the best environment to undertake the task? If there’s anything else that is distracting you (a thought, a person)? Take note of it.
Write down the persisting idea or question that came into your mind and say to yourself you will take care of the issue as soon as you finish your task. If it’s a person (besides your parents), politely inform her/him that you will be ready to help right after you’re done. Usually taking out of our mind and onto a paper our thoughts is enough to ‘make space’ for your primary goal.
About the Author
Sister Jihan Anwar is a university student and a journalist working at the National Yemen Newspaper
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Salam Aidilfitri buat semua, keluarga dan rakan dimana jua berada.
Aidilfitri 2011 sampai ke penghujungnya... tahun ini saya dapat beraya di tanahair tercinta bersama keluarga tercinta setelah 2 tahun berturut-turut beraya di perantauan. Raya pertama dirumah mertua, oleh kerana dapur mertua masih lagi belum selesai diubahsuai, saya berhasrat untuk menyediakan juadah pagi raya. Saya kepasar di Shah Alam, membeli daging, ayam dan bahan-bahan lain dan menyediakan lontong, rendang ayam dan rendang daging. Cukupla untuk juadah pagi raya yang ringkas.
Aidilfitri selalu membawa seribu pengertian bagi saya. Hari kemenangan setelah sebulan menjalankan ibadah puasa, hari yang penuh kesyahduan kerana Ramadhan pergi meninggalkan kita, dan hari kegembiraan kerana dapat bertemu dan bermaafan dengan keluarga, sanak saudara dan sahabat handai.
Bagi saya yang masih lagi dibelenggu dengan kisah PHD ini, raya tetap raya, sekalipun tiap saat dan ketika, saya masih diulit mimpi-mimpi ngeri tentang PHD. Saya masih belum dapat lari dari perasaan cemas dan khuatir, dan ada masa jantung berdegup kencang memikirkan deadlines yang berjela-jela. Itulah mungkin pahit manis perjalanan PHD ni. Semoga Allah memudahkan urusan saya dan rakan-rakan yang lain. ameen.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
New Year
It's 2011 and it's the beginning of the new decade for the 21st century. New year.. new resolutions... and my new resolutions, of course I want to be a better me!
I was watching halaqah- a forum aired at TV9. The were discussing about "usiaku" and the topic discussed was really relevant to new year festive season. I managed to pick up the following points.
1. "antara perkara pertama yang dihisab diakhirat nanti ialah ~ apakah yang kamu lakukan sepanjang usiamu?"
2. bahagikan kepada 3 sessi dalam kehidupan seharian iaitu 1/3 untuk diri sendiri, 1/3 untuk masyarakat dan 1/3 untuk Allah.
3. sebaik-baik manusia adalah mereka yang dapat memberi manafaat kepada orang lain.
these points are probably to cliche but they managed to open my eyes.. and i need to remind myself.. again..and again!
I was watching halaqah- a forum aired at TV9. The were discussing about "usiaku" and the topic discussed was really relevant to new year festive season. I managed to pick up the following points.
1. "antara perkara pertama yang dihisab diakhirat nanti ialah ~ apakah yang kamu lakukan sepanjang usiamu?"
2. bahagikan kepada 3 sessi dalam kehidupan seharian iaitu 1/3 untuk diri sendiri, 1/3 untuk masyarakat dan 1/3 untuk Allah.
3. sebaik-baik manusia adalah mereka yang dapat memberi manafaat kepada orang lain.
these points are probably to cliche but they managed to open my eyes.. and i need to remind myself.. again..and again!
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