Monday, May 10, 2010

Alhamdulillah, praise to Allah, the Almighty!!

Salam everyone! It's been a while since my last jottings. I may have a list of lame excuses - but I was truly a busy lady for the past couple of months. It was all because of my confirmaton of candidature (COC) which was due on the month 12 of my PHD candidature.

My COC seminar was held on the 5/5/2010. And before that, I need to submit my document to the faculty and obviously series of meetings with my beloved supervisors! And making the situation even worse, I fall sick just before the seminar itself. I was down with a high fever, running nose, thumping headache, annoying coughs, sorethroat and a very heavy and painful period. And those have made me to stay in bed, doing nothing (apart form worrying about the COC itself) for at least 3 solid days.

Alhamdulillah, the presentation went well. Thanks to Allah and I owe my husband and my parents much for this success as well. I've been ringing them at almost every hour before the presentation. I asked them to pray for me and they did performed solat hajat for me too. My friends were also very supportive. With their continuous emotional support and of course with Allah's will, I have managed to come this far.

And the journey has just begun. It will be another 2 years of undulating journey and bumpy rides. I remember they always say- it will be a bigger mountain afer the coc. And I will need to climb again, slowly and steadily.

In short, Alhamdulillah!

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