Sunday, October 10, 2010

Menstrual cramp

It is that time of the month again! The beauty of being a lady... but it is not something that I am not looking forward to anyway. Why? Because that is the time of the month where I will spend mostly in bed and my mood is swinging. And more importantly.. I tend to have stomach cramps or sometimes the cramps even goes down to my legs. The pain is just unbearable.

I found a useful tip which I think is worth sharing. A heating pad is the best companion at this time of the month as it really helps to ease out the menstruation cramps (you can even use it for any pelvic pain, or a backache)? Here's how you can make a heating pad using things you probably have at home.

Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 5 minutes

Here's How:

1. Fill the foot of a tube sock with rice. Do not use instant rice.
2. Tie the end of the tube sock into a knot.
3. Place the rice-filled sock in your microwave oven for 2 to 3 minutes on highpower. Time may vary by microwave, so check after one and a half minutes.
4. Remove the sock from the microwave and place on the area of your body where needed.

easy peasy....

it is even better than the hot water bottle.

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