Semangat yang pudar
Pagi ini saya bangun tidur dengan rasa gelisah dan serba tak kena. Tiba-tiba terfikir adakah berbaloi perjuangan ini? Perjuangan yang mengambil masa sekurang-kurangnya 3 tahun ini. Perjuangan yang belum pasti penghujungnya. Perjuangan yang penuh dengan ranjau. Perjuangan yang rumit dan mencabar. Perjuangan bergelumang dengan emosi pada setiap ketika. Perjuangan yang menuntut pengorbanan bukan hanya dari diri sendiri tapi melibatkan orang-orang tersayang yang terpaksa ditinggalkan ditanah air--suami, emak dan ayah, emak dan ayah mertua, adik beradik dan keluarga.
Ya Allah, aku serahkan kepadaMu. Semoga Kau mudahkan urusan PHD ini. Semoga hasilnya nanti menggembirakan dan dapat dimanafaatkan khususnya oleh mereka yang telah berkorban untuk perjuangan ini. Lindungilah dan berkatilah mereka!!
Terima kasih abang, emak dan ayah, mertua dan keluarga - atas doa yang tak pernah putus.
Nak kongsi tips ini (dari seorang sahabat yang sedang buat PHD juga);
" Ya Muqallibal Quluub, Thabbit Qulubana 'ala Diinika Wa 'ala Tho'atika" (Wahai Tuhan yang membolak balikkan hati, tetapkanlah hati kami di atas jalan agamaMu dan jalan mentaatiMu).
Selalukan baca insyaAllah Allah akan bantu. saya suka baca setiap kali lepas solat. sebab hati kita Allah yg pegang, kalo nak berubah pun Allah yang tentukan, nak senang hati, susah hati, sedih ke dsbg semua Allah tentukan. mudah2an Allah bantu dan ada manfaat utk akak.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I am panic, worried and nervous!!
The clock is ticking and I realised that today is the 25th of November 2009 (month 9 of my PHD). According to my timeline which I have prepared months ago (with my supervisor's approval), I am supposed to have at least a draft of my confirmation document. Unfortunately, I am far from it. My literature is not complete and my research method is still vague. Hmm... my supervisor is away until middle of January 2010 and suddenly I feel like I am loosing my guru as I will be all by myself. What a stressful moment. I can communicate with him via email though.
During the first 3 months of my reearch, I used to have a weekly meeting with my supervisor. I find it really helpful to have such weekly meetings as I can report directly to him on my progress. Probably that is the best platform for me to resolve all teething problems related to the research. More importantly, I really appreciate the pressure that he puts on me to get me really going. Being a laid-back person, with "procrastination" being my middle name, I really need those kind of adrenalin rush or otherwise I will be forever in my comfort zone.
As I progress, the meetings are normally held on monthly basis. I only need to report to him on the results of my exploration.
But as for now- I really need my panic button!!!
Mudah-mudahan Allah sentiasa bersama kita semua, merahmati dan memudahkan urusan kita.
In the middle of every difficulty, lies opportunity - einstein!
The clock is ticking and I realised that today is the 25th of November 2009 (month 9 of my PHD). According to my timeline which I have prepared months ago (with my supervisor's approval), I am supposed to have at least a draft of my confirmation document. Unfortunately, I am far from it. My literature is not complete and my research method is still vague. Hmm... my supervisor is away until middle of January 2010 and suddenly I feel like I am loosing my guru as I will be all by myself. What a stressful moment. I can communicate with him via email though.
During the first 3 months of my reearch, I used to have a weekly meeting with my supervisor. I find it really helpful to have such weekly meetings as I can report directly to him on my progress. Probably that is the best platform for me to resolve all teething problems related to the research. More importantly, I really appreciate the pressure that he puts on me to get me really going. Being a laid-back person, with "procrastination" being my middle name, I really need those kind of adrenalin rush or otherwise I will be forever in my comfort zone.
As I progress, the meetings are normally held on monthly basis. I only need to report to him on the results of my exploration.
But as for now- I really need my panic button!!!
Mudah-mudahan Allah sentiasa bersama kita semua, merahmati dan memudahkan urusan kita.
In the middle of every difficulty, lies opportunity - einstein!
Knowledge on computers
Research student and knowledge on computers.
As a research student, I realise that I must have some advance knowledge on computers (and its equipment). This is very important as data and information management is the most crucial aspect of the whole process. Here in QUT, all postgraduate research students have to attend a course called AIRS (Advance Information Retrieval Skill). It is complusory and I must score at least a minimum of band 5 to pass the coursework (maximum score bad 7). [I am not used to Australian marking system - guess band 7 is an A].
Well, in AIRS, I was exposed to some search techniques (using Boolean operators), tips and tricks on using the web search engines, evaluating information (on the validity and reliability) and everything about academic data searching and I find AIRS was really useful. I was also briefed on the EndNote (bibliographic software) which I find it very handy to organise my reference.
Alhamdulillah, this is another side of my PHD journey. Otherwise, I may not gather this skill (or worse have a clue) if I am not embark on this journey.
As a research student, I realise that I must have some advance knowledge on computers (and its equipment). This is very important as data and information management is the most crucial aspect of the whole process. Here in QUT, all postgraduate research students have to attend a course called AIRS (Advance Information Retrieval Skill). It is complusory and I must score at least a minimum of band 5 to pass the coursework (maximum score bad 7). [I am not used to Australian marking system - guess band 7 is an A].
Well, in AIRS, I was exposed to some search techniques (using Boolean operators), tips and tricks on using the web search engines, evaluating information (on the validity and reliability) and everything about academic data searching and I find AIRS was really useful. I was also briefed on the EndNote (bibliographic software) which I find it very handy to organise my reference.
Alhamdulillah, this is another side of my PHD journey. Otherwise, I may not gather this skill (or worse have a clue) if I am not embark on this journey.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
More to life than PHD
More to life than a PHD.
Being away from parents, families and our closed ones is another challenge of doing a PHD in overseas. Most of us have to be apart from our beloved parents and siblings but more sadly, some have to be apart from their spouses and children. Although they maybe just a phone call or a video conference away, not having them physically with us is really an ordeal.
As everybody falls to the same boat, the overseas students tend to have a strong and tightly knit community. We would normally organise some weekend gatherings, trips or picnics to compare notes and boosting our sense of togetherness. The potluck get together seems to be the most popular activity and everyone is looking forward to it. Why? Because this is the best time to stop the longing and craving for some homemade Malaysian foods. We would have all range of traditional food from nasi kerabu, laksam, nasi lemak, bihun sup and some traditional cakes too like karipap and kuih bakar.
We had one gathering last weekend - and this time it wasn't really a pot luck. The main dish of the day was prepared and sponsored by our friends of Mr and Mrs Zam who have generously served us with their scrumptious (and complete) nasi kerabu. And we had other delicious food as well to complement ie. bihun soup utara form Rodzi/Beena, kuih bakar from kak Azlina, teh tarik from Juhazren/Mas, bihun goreng from Intan ..and others which I have forgotten. May Allah shower all of us with His love and blessings. Ameen.
But some might think that, being away in overseas is probably the best time to escape from some family routine like kenduri, wedding and all--hmmmm, I am just thinking from the other side of the coin.
Being away from parents, families and our closed ones is another challenge of doing a PHD in overseas. Most of us have to be apart from our beloved parents and siblings but more sadly, some have to be apart from their spouses and children. Although they maybe just a phone call or a video conference away, not having them physically with us is really an ordeal.
As everybody falls to the same boat, the overseas students tend to have a strong and tightly knit community. We would normally organise some weekend gatherings, trips or picnics to compare notes and boosting our sense of togetherness. The potluck get together seems to be the most popular activity and everyone is looking forward to it. Why? Because this is the best time to stop the longing and craving for some homemade Malaysian foods. We would have all range of traditional food from nasi kerabu, laksam, nasi lemak, bihun sup and some traditional cakes too like karipap and kuih bakar.
We had one gathering last weekend - and this time it wasn't really a pot luck. The main dish of the day was prepared and sponsored by our friends of Mr and Mrs Zam who have generously served us with their scrumptious (and complete) nasi kerabu. And we had other delicious food as well to complement ie. bihun soup utara form Rodzi/Beena, kuih bakar from kak Azlina, teh tarik from Juhazren/Mas, bihun goreng from Intan ..and others which I have forgotten. May Allah shower all of us with His love and blessings. Ameen.
But some might think that, being away in overseas is probably the best time to escape from some family routine like kenduri, wedding and all--hmmmm, I am just thinking from the other side of the coin.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Hari Jadi Ayah
Selamat Hari Jadi Ayah,
Sengaja saya tuliskan post ini dalam Bahasa Melayu. Ini adalah coretan saya tentang ayah saya sempena hari jadinya dan juga kerana ayah saya adalah seorang pencinta bahasa Melayu tulin. Dalam gambar ini - ayah berbaju batik kuning.
Hari ini adalah merupakan hari jadi ayah saya yang ke-71. Ayah dilahirkan pada 9/11/1938 di kampung yang sama dengan kampung di mana keluarga saya menetap sekarang. Bezanya - rumah nenek di darat dan rumah kami pula di beteng. Saya tidak dapat membayangkan suasana ketika itu, tapi pastinya ayah yang merupakan anak sulung adalah kegembiraan dan hadiah yang tak ternilai untuk pasangan atuk dan nenek.
Tidak banyak yang saya ketahui tentang ayah pada masa kecilnya. Ayah adalah anak sulung kepada 10 orang adik beradik. Apa yang diceritakan oleh nenek, ayah bersekolah sehingga peringkat MCE, dan liku-liku hidup ayah dalam mengejar cita-citanya bukanlah sentiasa indah. Banyak pengorbanan yang ayah lakukan. Ayah kemudian bekerja sebagai cikgu di beberapa buah sekolah rendah di sekitar daerah Pontian dan bersara awal ketika usia beliau 50 tahun. Ketika ayah bersara, saya sebagai anak sulung kepada 5 orang adik-adik yang masih bersekolah, baru sahaja menamatkan peperiksaan SPM. Tapi ayah yakin dengan keputusannya dan punya perancangan masa depan yang paling bijak untuk kami semua.
Karakter ayah agak serius. Beliau pendiam, amat bertanggungjawab, berpendirian tegas dan mempunyai tahap disiplin yang tinggi. Namun beliau tidak pernah berkompromi dalam mencurahkan kasih sayangnya pada kami adik beradik. Dengan sifatnya itulah, beliau telah berjaya membesarkan dan memberikan didikan yang sempurna kepada kami adik beradik. Dalam banyak hal, paling ayah tidak pernah berkira ialah tentang pelajaran dan pendidikan. Sekalipun tinggal dikampung, saya masih ingat lagi yang ayah sanggup menghantar dan menjemput saya dengan motosikal untuk ke kelas tuisyen ketika saya berada di dalam darjah 5 di Pekan Benut. Kelas tersebut hanya mengambil masa 2 jam- dan ayah sanggup menunggu saya untuk sepanjang tempoh waktu itu. Beliau jugak tidak pernah lokek membelikan kami dengan bahan-bahan bacaan tambahan seperti majalah bulanan-Dewan Pelajar, Bujal dll, dan juga dengan vidoe game untuk mengasah minda. Ketika itu, barangan seperti itu adalah merupakan barangan mewah bagi kami. Itu tidak termasuk dengan buku-buku ensiklopedia tambahan seperti buku "kenapa mengapa", buku-buku ujikaji sains dan sebagainya. Bukan dengan anak-anaknya, malah menurut kata adik-adik ayah yang lain, ayah juga dulu sanggup melanggan majalah "mastika","dewan siswa", "dewan masyarakat", "reader's digest" untuk bacaan adik-adiknya sekitar awal tahun 1980-an. Bayangkan ketika itu, kami tinggal dikampung kecil, bahan bacaan sedemikian adalah merupakan perkara yang amat berharga.
Ayah mempunyai hobi yang pelbagai tetapi beliau sentiasa bersungguh-sungguh dengan apa yang beliau lakukan. Beliau sangat cintakan pada tanah dan aktiviti yang berkaitan dengan teknologi pertanian. Ideanya tentang pertanian sangat kreatif dan beliau suka untuk mencuba pelbagai teknologi pertanian yang tentunya memberikan pulangan yang lebih. Ketika tanaman kelapa sawit mula popular di Malaysia, ayah telah melaburkan masa,tenaga, wang ringgit dan beberapa bidang tanahnya untuk tanaman kelapa sawit. Ternyata usaha dan komitmen ayah tidak sia-sia. Kini, hasil daripada kelapa sawit lah merupakan pendapatan utama keluarga kami. Ayah juga berminat dengan pelbagai jenis baja, racun semburan, sistem perparitan ladang dan sebagainya. Pokok buah-buahan juga menjadi sebahagian daripada bahan ujikaji ayah- hasilnya ayah mempunyai kebun yang ada pelbagai gred durian, buah duku/dokong, rambutan pelbagai jenis hasil tut, berjenis-jenis buah mangga dan sebagainya. Ayah juga mahir dalam bab-bab "wiring" dan barang-barang elektrik. Kami sekeluarga dan arwah nenek khususnya selalu hairan dengan kebolehan ayah yang begitu arif tentang hal-hal "wiring" sekalipun ayah tidak pernah mengikuti sebarang kursus berkaitan perkara-perkara elektrik dan elektronik. Kini, ayah selalu menjadi pakar rujuk orang-orang kampung sekiranya mereka ada masalah dengan wiring. Apa yang saya simpulkan - ayah memang BIJAK!
Ayah juga rajin membaca. Setiap hari beliau akan memperuntukkan masa untuk membaca surat khabar kegemarannya -BERITA HARIAN. Ayah akan membaca setiap berita dan artikel yang terdapat didalamnya. Ayah juga suka menonton bola sepak dan dokumentari. Ayah juga suka menonton Berita Dunia RTM1 - dan mungkin itu lah cara ayah berhubung dengan dunia luar.
Banyak lagi yang saya ingin kongsikan tentang ayah. Mungkin di post yang lain.
SELAMAT HARI JADI AYAH. Terima kasih di atas segala pengorbanan, didikan dan tunjuk ajar ayah membesarkan kami semua. Semoga Allah sentiasa melindungi ayah dan mengurniakan ayah dengan kesihatan yang berpanjangan. Ameen.
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