Tuesday, October 13, 2009

LDP 2 - The English Class

English Language Class

I attended a Language Development Programme (LDP) class this morning. Each session, held on every Tuesday morning, would normally last for almost 3 hours. We were taught by an English speaking Italian lady - Mrs Karyn Gonano who is very enthusiastic about writing succinctly in the academic world. Karyn's lectures focus on the right methods and techniques to successfully write our confirmation document.

Having been born in Malaysia, in a small kampung (with some Javanese blood), and in a low middle class family, I have to admit that my grasp of English language is at a minimum. I know a few friends whose English are excellent but their family background are far different from mine. (Or maybe some who are in the same boat with me, they would have read tonnes and tonnes of novels, watched hours of English TV series or maybe listened to thousands of English songs to be able to be at where they are now). I maybe fortunate enough since I have lived in the UK for about four years and did both my degree and postgraduate degree there. But I still need to improve a lot especially with my writing. English is indeed a peculiar language with so many grammatical rules, but irritatingly, so many exceptions to these rules. I think one can only master the language with a consistent persistence, dedication or otherwise, reaching a such flawlessness in English is almost impossible.

I used to write in a passive voice. And maybe that was the way I was taught many many years ago when I was in school. Maybe I was also influenced by my British lecturers as well during my undergraduate days. I love to read a well written and beautiful text with a flamboyant language and that may also contribute to my writing style . Also I was taught that, writing with a passive voice will make your text sounds more formal. But maybe that is no longer relevant today! The 21st century demands things to move quickly. The world is running and everything need to be quick. And in the present academic world - you need to write in an active voice so that you as the author will sound more authoritative and your writing will sound stronger. I also remember my supervisor reminds me during one of our meetings, writing is like music and mathematics - it has to be composed.

To end the session, Karyn asked everyone of us to make a short presentation related to our research in front of the class. It was a wonderful experience to see people from all sorts of cultures, from different corners of the globe, with different disciplines and backgrounds are committed with their research. As Karyn always remind us in her class "how are you going to save the planet?"
(hmm.. how am going to save the planet?).

note; a new vocab - Chilax = Chill + Relax.


  1. remember the KISS concept as well...
    Keep It Simple Strategy.

    bravo girl..

  2. KISS - Keep It Simple Sweetheart... hehehe. only now i noticed - Keep It Simple SHU.. hehehe- lol.
