Monday, October 12, 2009



I am not-a-so-young-gal who was born in a small kampung in a district of Pontian, Johor about 35 years ago. I was schooling at SK Seri Jaya, Benut for my primary and later to MRSM Muar for my secondary. After my SPM, I went to PPP/ITM Shah Alam for my A-Levels. I did both my degree in city and regional planning and my postgraduate degree in Cardiff University, Wales.

I was an adventuress when I was young but my interest changes as I aged. Now my interest is directed towards a more relaxed activities like reading, travelling--(sightseing mostly), all kitchen-related activities (cooking, baking, BBQ-ing), and more importantly, making myself closer to Allah -the Almighty.


I am presently in my 7th month of my PHD research in a School of Urban Development, Faculty of Built Environment and Engineering, QUT, Brisbane, Australia. My research investigates the relationship between urban planning and global economic changes. The shift in global economy towards a Knowledge Based Economy (K-economy) has brought a significant impact(s) towards our socio-spatial order. The K-economy demands a new set of urban management policies since (it has been proven) that the normative urban planning has failed to provide. As our society becomes increasingly knowledge based, the nature of city development also changes because activities in the knowledge sector are becoming more important and they require conditions and environments which are very different from those required by the community-based activities which are declining.

The research looks at a new paradigm in urban planning ie. Knowledge Based Urban Development (KBUD) which is seen as a potentially beneficial set of instruments in order to improve the quality, welfare and competitiveness of cities. This research develops a framework within the sphere of urban planning to foster KBUD in order to equip cities to be more competitive in facing the challenges of the global era.


I am the eldest in the family. I have 2 younger sisters and 3 younger brothers. My father was a teacher (now retired) while my mom is a fulltime housewife. All of my sibilings have grown up and are making their own careers [medical practitioner-engineers-agricultural officer and land surveyor in the making].

I am married to a very understanding and charming man for almost 8 years now. And I am so grateful for having him as my husband. He is such a hubby and all I can say is that - he really completes me! We have no children yet (will not give up) and we adore kids very much. Our three little nieces - (Sara, Safiyah and Zara) and two little nephews (Hadif and Hilman) are our little angles.


I was a town planner for almost 4 years afer I graduated. I have joined 2 reputable private planning consultancy firms which both had offered me a totally different experience related to urban planning which range from plan making to policy formulation. 4 years of working experience may not be long enough to be a fully fledged town planner but I seriously think that it is divine and worth sharing the knowledge and experience with others. So, I have changed my career to be a lecturer in urban planning, and since then there is no regret. I love every seconds of my new career and after all being a lecturer is my childhood dream.

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