Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Knowledge on computers

Research student and knowledge on computers.

As a research student, I realise that I must have some advance knowledge on computers (and its equipment). This is very important as data and information management is the most crucial aspect of the whole process. Here in QUT, all postgraduate research students have to attend a course called AIRS (Advance Information Retrieval Skill). It is complusory and I must score at least a minimum of band 5 to pass the coursework (maximum score bad 7). [I am not used to Australian marking system - guess band 7 is an A].

Well, in AIRS, I was exposed to some search techniques (using Boolean operators), tips and tricks on using the web search engines, evaluating information (on the validity and reliability) and everything about academic data searching and I find AIRS was really useful. I was also briefed on the EndNote (bibliographic software) which I find it very handy to organise my reference.

Alhamdulillah, this is another side of my PHD journey. Otherwise, I may not gather this skill (or worse have a clue) if I am not embark on this journey.

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