Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am panic, worried and nervous!!

The clock is ticking and I realised that today is the 25th of November 2009 (month 9 of my PHD). According to my timeline which I have prepared months ago (with my supervisor's approval), I am supposed to have at least a draft of my confirmation document. Unfortunately, I am far from it. My literature is not complete and my research method is still vague. Hmm... my supervisor is away until middle of January 2010 and suddenly I feel like I am loosing my guru as I will be all by myself. What a stressful moment. I can communicate with him via email though.

During the first 3 months of my reearch, I used to have a weekly meeting with my supervisor. I find it really helpful to have such weekly meetings as I can report directly to him on my progress. Probably that is the best platform for me to resolve all teething problems related to the research. More importantly, I really appreciate the pressure that he puts on me to get me really going. Being a laid-back person, with "procrastination" being my middle name, I really need those kind of adrenalin rush or otherwise I will be forever in my comfort zone.

As I progress, the meetings are normally held on monthly basis. I only need to report to him on the results of my exploration.

But as for now- I really need my panic button!!!

Mudah-mudahan Allah sentiasa bersama kita semua, merahmati dan memudahkan urusan kita.

In the middle of every difficulty, lies opportunity - einstein!

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