Saturday, January 16, 2010

Inspiring friends

Whenever I am worried about my PHD research, I will always look at the list of names which I put on my board to inspire me. They are my close friends who have completed (are completing)the PHD journey.

PM Dr Hajah Dasimah
PM Dr Hajah Hafazah
PM Dr Fatimah
PM Dr Hazlina
PM Dr Rosmin
PM Dr Jamalunlaili
Dr Mariana
Dr Syahriah
Dr Zaini
Dr Reza
(Dr)Siti Mazwin
(Dr)Anis Sazira
(Dr Ani Saifuza
(Dr)Wan Rabiah
(Dr)Nor Arbina

and the list goes on and on....(an phewwww!! what an exhaustive list) - they are not listed according to any order.

So Muna - it as as simple as - if they can do it, so can you!!!!!


  1. MAny thanks to you also for being such an inspiring friend to me (Dr)Muna Sarimin....

  2. Salam Muna

    just knew about your blog from Kak Win's. Thanks for putting me in the list of your inspiring friends.....and definitely you are also an inspiring friends to me and others. All the best for your confirmation assessment...dah tk lama lagi dh ye?
