Saturday, January 30, 2010

PHD- familiar but distant

A PHD friend always reminds me that PHD is a lonely journey and I couldn't agree more about it. I went to see my SV yesterday and for a record- it was the first time I requested for a meeting as normally it was him who would call for one.

We had a lengthy discussion on certain issues related to my research - both about the process and the content. I realised his peculiar look when I raised certain issues, which he thinks should have been resolved earlier. I remember he said
"it's been a year and I thought they are all in a perfect order by now" - gosh!!!

It was about the research design! How am I supposed to conduct the research in a logical manner with some theoretical and academically sound techniques. Arrrgghhhh.. my confirmation is nearing- just around the corner and I am far from ready. Though things look familiar to me - yet they are so distant - and that puts me in a vague mode!!

Oh Allah- i turn to YOU. As always.

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