Thursday, January 14, 2010

Maal Hijrah 1431 and New Year 2010

New year - old me!

It has been a while since my last jottings. I've been a bit busy with my research (or at least making myself looks busy). My supervisor is away for his year end break until middle of January. Too bad, he has set some deadlines for me - to make sure that I am always in the gear. [i think he knows me well enough by now- procastination is my middle name].

My confirmation is due in less than 3 months from now. And I am yet to have a clear mind on the real direction of my research especially on the researh design and the (actual) method. The theoretical part is almost there, and so is the literature review. The conceptual framework to set the foundation of this research may need a bit of polishing though.

This is an exploratory research, or as my supervisor puts it- a problem based research. Hence, he always reminds me that I don't probably need to really emphasize on the the research philosophies in my writing (anyway I don't fully agree to him about this). And I may need to convince him about this.

It seems that my supervisor is more confident than me. He knows that I am capable to conduct and complete this research. He is very confident and I can always recall his words "I have faith in you" - but - probably due to my low self esteem, I am in doubt.

And maybe it is hightime for me to find solutions to boost my self esteem. And probably the new year 2010/1431 is the perfect time for me to set my new resolutions. May Allah ease this lonely journey! Ameen.

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