Thursday, October 22, 2009

Fear Free Presentation

A workshop on Fear- Free Presentation

I attended a workshop on Fear-Free presentation organised jointly by the BEE Faculty and IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) on Tuesday-20/20/09. It was held at 5.30pm at S Block, Level 12. It was a bit dull and boring in the beginning and I had a thought of leaving the room halfway through the workshop. I find it most of the contents of the presentation were just some common sense. Fortunately, the introduction did not last long before the refreshment. We were served with some sandwiches and drinks -coffee/juices/soft drinks but I just had the latter. After after some refreshment, the speaker managed to get us connected to his presentation somehow. We were all asked to stand up for some speech therapy, vocal training and facial muscle practice and that was when I suddenly feel enthusiastic about the workshop. (and maybe it could due to some caffeine recharge as well).

Basically - what I want to share is that, there is a recipe for a fear free presentation.

And here is the ingridients;

The script

The warmup
The arrival scene
The presentation scene
The question and answer scene
The leaving scene

And some vocal traning too;

Vocal range Many marvellous men make much money from my motorbike
Painful Patrick pushed purposefully past Peter and the paranoid parishioners
Father’s famous
Bastard Barry
The yahoo yabbies
Willy woefully washed
Valerie values
Randy Roger Ramjet

And some projection exercise;

Those old boats don’t float

And some facial exercise;

Neck isolations : Look up, look down, look right, look left, look diagonal
Neck stretch: Look right 20 secs, Look left 20 secs., Up and over and right 20 secs, ditto left, Out and down and right, Out and down and left, Up and back and right, ditto left. Jaw release. Palms at side of jaw and pull down; open jaw, drop bottom jaw even further down then release
Face massage: All over

(thanks to Mr Barry O'sullivan for a very fruitful session).

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