Monday, October 26, 2009


October celebrates birthdays of many people close to me especially my cium mulut buddies -Elid, Cha and Fizzie. I will never forget their birthdays as the dates are near to mine. I would like to take this opportunity to wish them a very Happy Birthday - my dear friends - Elida (20th), Fizzie (26th) and Cha (28th). And I dedicate this song (Hero by Mariah Carey) to them- (with a hope that the "hero" spirit will always remain in their hearts). I remember singing this song as a duet with Cha on our 23rd birthday - way back in 1996 when we did our undergraduate degree in Cardiff. It was one of the autumn nights in October - when we had a birthday bash in our rented double storey house at 53, Lower Cathedral Road, Riverside, Cardiff CF18LW. It was an all-gals party and we had a lot of fun all nite long. We prepared the so called dinner by ourselves (my mee sembarang?) and baked the birthday cakes (kudos to fizzie and yus). All of us were dressed up for the dinner and we had a karaoke session and video watching in the end. Thanks to Anim for her mini karaoke Aiwa HiFi. And as usual- Anim's favourite song will be one of Awie's ballad slow rock collection.... and she will sing them to her fullest voice with her unique hand gestures. We would end up at Yus/Fizzie's bedroom watching some Malay dramas (thanks to Yus' family for sending some of the popular Malay drama vidoe tapes). Arrgghhh- those were the days. Here I am boring all of you with my reminiscences.

And "Happy Birthday" too to Dr Hafazah, Faeez, Ana, Rodzi, Kak Azlina, Aslam, Ejin, La, Riza, Bee, Azizul <-- thanks to Facebook for the reminder, and please excuse me if I forgot to include your names.

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